Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The iPod Touch - How to Customize the Home Screen

The iPod Touch - How to Customize the Home Screen
By Brandon R. Cornett

The iPod Touch is one of Apple's hot new products. It's sort of like an iPhone, but without the phone part. In other words, it's a handheld multimedia device you can use to play music, watch movies and surf the web.

But it doesn't come cheap. Prices run from around $300 to $500 plus, depending on how much memory you want (among other add-ons). So with that kind of investment, you obviously want to get the most out of your iPod Touch, and that involves customizing it to suit your needs. In this article, I'll teach you how to customize the home screen of your device.

Once you take your new iPod Touch out of the box, the first thing you should do is charge it up using the charger cord that came with it. While the device is charging, you can familiarize yourself with the instruction booklet that came with it.

Easily Customize Your Home Screen

Customizing the home screen is one of the first things most users want to do with their iPod Touch. The home screen (as Apple calls it) is what you see when you first turn your device on. It's the main screen with all of the icons on it. These icons represent the various features of the iPod Touch -- web browsing, email, weather, music, etc.

You can adjust this screen in several ways. For one thing, you can rearrange the icons to put the ones you use most often at the top of the screen. To do this, you first need to open the editing feature for the Touch screen. Do this by touching and holding any of the icons. When all of the icons begin to "wiggle" back and forth, this tells you the home screen is ready for editing.

Remember, the key is to touch and hold an icon on the main screen. That's how you "unlock" the icon editing features of your device. Many people tap, tap, tap away with no success. You have to touch and hold. A good way to remember this is that a tap is like a left-click with a computer mouse, while a touch-and-hold is like a right-click with a computer mouse. Okay, moving on.

Once the icons are wiggling, you can do several things. You can rearrange them, as we talked about, delete them and more. To rearrange the icons, simply touch them (one at a time) and then drag them to where you want them on the Touch screen. Essentially, this lets you prioritize your icons based on the way you use the device.

You can also use this technique to move certain icons to another home screen (you can have more than one), or to delete the icons from altogether. When you delete an icon from the main screen, that does not mean you are removing the program from your iPod Touch entirely ... it just removes the icon. In that way, it's similar to removing a shortcut from the desktop of your computer (it only removes the shortcut, not the program itself).

Customization By the Numbers

So let's sum up these instructions with some good old-fashioned numbered steps. Here is how you can customize the home screen of your new iPod Touch.

To rearrange the icons:

  1. Turn your device on and go to the home screen (it usually comes up first).
  2. Touch and hold any icon on that screen (weather, email, web browser, etc.).
  3. The icons will begin to "wiggle" back and forth when they are ready for changes.
  4. Rearrange the icons simply by dragging them where you want them.
  5. When you are done, press the home button (the square) to save your changes.

I hope you've enjoyed this guide to customizing your iPod Touch, and I wish you lots of enjoyment with your new device.

For more helpful tips and the latest info on everything iPod related, visit

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